zemsprieguma elektriskie produkti
zemsprieguma elektriskie produkti
zemsprieguma elektriskie produkti


  • Ķīmisks
    The chemical industry is the embodiment of the country's comprehensive national strength, in recent years, the number of chemical enterprises, large scale, strong continuity, high safety requirements, high distribution automation requirements, so the continuity of power supply, safety, reliability put forward higher requirements. Saskaņā ar ķīmiskās rūpniecības pieprasījuma īpašībām Saiwei Electric izvirzīja nozares vadošo risinājumu, aprēķinot dažādus sistēmas parametrus, saprātīgu izplatīšanas aizsardzības ierīču izvēli un mikrodatoru aizsardzības sistēmas izmantošanu visaptverošai uzraudzībai un kontrolei, lai nodrošinātu ražošanas drošību.
  • Saules enerģija
    Saules enerģija
  • Korpuscle
  • Datu centrs
    Datu centrs
    The data center as a global collaboration of specific equipment network, based on the cloud technology business and the explosive pace of development in the era of big data, the use of standardized modules can achieve rapid configuration of solutions. In simplifying the planning, design, and construction of a data center, the data center monitors the entire physical infrastructure. Kā svarīga "jaunās infrastruktūras" daļa, dati? The construction of the center plays an important supporting role in speeding up the digitalization, networking and intelligent transformation of traditional industries. With high-performance innovative products, Saiwei Electric efficiently serves the construction of major data center projects across the country, and has been highly recognized by customers.
+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com